Get Your Way Paid in + $20/Referral

By submitting this form you agree to the following terms and conditions as binding in the jurisdiction of the courts of Lafayette, LA, USA.

> FINE FOR CHEATING: You will owe Heaven's Eye, LLC $10,000 If you try to earn by referring yourself or submit information for any individual who is either
- under 18 years of age, or
- did not receive your permission to submit their information, or
- has expressed no interest in referring others to Total Life Changes, or
- is not a real, living person

> There is no guarantee you will be paid for referrals because this referral program can end without warning, instantly.

> is not responsible for paying you.

> All information submitted will be forwarded to Total Life Change and Total Life Changers partners who coordinate to pay for your TLC membership and put you on the path to getting paid for your referrals.

> Total Life Changes has their own terms and conditions you will need to agree to.

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